By Gretel Lee
A note on resilience and positivity, from our Training Manager, instructor and resident calm soul Gretel.
“When all else fails, you always have delusion” – Conan O’Brien
Without discounting the gravity of the current world situation, I found some humour in American comedian Conan O’Brien’s quote. While massively trying to stay in control of our lives amidst change and uncertainty, we could either be thriving in a new found routine, weary of holding the fort, or deluding ourselves in the bid to stay sane. Perhaps it’s a combination of all 3 during the extended circuit breaker period. We’re only human, aren’t we?
Being creatures of habit, human nature nudges us to stick to well-rehearsed routines we’ve spent time building on. Having a clockwork routine no doubt helps us understand what to expect from the day, and how to go about it as efficiently as possible with few disruptions. How were we to know that the first quarter of 2020 would throw us all into a whirlwind?
Now’s the time to show our mettle to push through this season. We may be built on routines, but necessity being the mother of invention, I believe it can propel us into a season of growth and development. Here’s what I endeavour to do in the meanwhile to power pack my mind and soul from zero to hero:
Revisit 2020 Resolutions
Time to pull out that list you made at the start of this year! What better time than now to set yourself up strong to carry over to the coming months? I’m picking 1-2 things to focus on, namely getting back to my hobbies and sleeping earlier. The challenge has been to keep at it consistently to build a new routine, that will hopefully become the norm in time to come.
I have found that making SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time sensitive) goals has helped (although tedious and forcing me to face my denial straight on), as well as having an accountability buddy. For instance, I rope friends in when signing up for dance classes, so it gives me that added push and incentive to commit to it. Sleep wise, setting an alarm nightly has helped keep me in check, although it’s a pain to extract myself from Netflix when it’s designated bedtime.
What resolutions are you eyeing to revisit this season? Write it down, set goals, get an accountability buddy and celebrate small wins when you’ve taken baby steps to do so! We can’t wait to hear about your 2020 transformation!
Form New Habits
With commuting time axed out of the equation these days, how are we spending that extra time? I’m trying to take stock of what I do daily to ensure the day is balanced. While convenience is a double-edged sword, it has made me more conscious of what I fill my day with, and question if I’m dedicating too much time to one aspect of it. I’ve since formed a new habit of starting the day later (yay to more sleep!), and also organising my day before I start, rather than rushing into it head on. There is more opportunity to balance personal time with work life, although that added facet of convenience means more discipline is needed to draw work-life boundaries from home.
There’s no better time than this to form new habits. Afterall, you are what you do daily, so make sure you’re repeating only the best habits to nourish your body and soul – consciously, constantly and deliberately.
Friends Make the World Go Round
No man’s an island, as we’ve come to realise, moreso in this period. Maybe it takes more effort to stay in touch because you no longer meet friends physically as often – 2 months isn’t that long a time, but it’s long enough to drop off the radar. Maybe it’s getting back in touch with that friend halfway around the world that you’ve been putting off. We’ve got all the technology and convenience at our fingertips, plus, extra time on hand, so #noexcuses to stay connected! We are the average of the people we spend time with, so being around your crew keeps you happy, healthy and robust. Now who’s up for a video catch up? I’m in need of a good dose of yakking!
In the wise words of Brené Brown:
“When we own our stories, we get to write the ending”
So go forth, take the rest of May by the horns and make the best lemonade you can. We can’t wait to celebrate little breakthroughs with you this month!